1. Send Email from others ID – Now you can send E-mail from others email id without their knowledge there is no hacking involved in this method so don’t worry. it is good
prank to play with your friends.
Don’t miss it.

2. 440+ Character SMS Sender
There are many SMS sites on internet but there is some limitation in
character you are sending but sms7(dot)in allow users to send 400+
character per SMS. To use this service just register your mobile number in
their site.

3. Million Dollar Homepage – You can see ads in website while surfing any website but do you know a site which contains millionsof ad in a single page? you can’t imagine. just try it
4. Know when your email is read by recipients-
Spypig is a excellent and cool service to know when your email is read by recipients, it will notify you by an email when your recepient
open the email which you’ve sent to him.

5. Update 40+ Social Networking sites in a Second- If you have account in many social
networking & bookmarking websites it will be very difficult to update all
the site at once, check this link for cool solution
6. Share 5GB file online without registraition- Using file dropper you can share 5GB
of file easily there is no need to register in their website.

8. Preview of link in your website- By signup and installing snap code in your blog will allow users to preview of any link in your blog. The links may point to other site or to your
internal pages but you can preview it before clicking the link like google
preview features in SERP.
9. Spy on Websites- If you want to know a website hosted ip address, website owners
adsense id & analytic id, last updated of that website, no of websites hosted in that same ip address etc., you can check this website which provide all those information for you.
10. Website Preview in all Browser- Now its easy to preview your website or blog in different browser to test drive your theme. It will be very useful for web
designers and bloggers.
11. Verify Email Address-
We get a lot of emails everyday. Majority of these are spams. The email addresses of the sender of these mails may be false, or he/she may be using a software and generating spam messages with a wrong email address. visit this website it gives out information whether the email address exists or not.
12. Learn Programming Online- Codecademy is a site wherein you can learn the basics of programming online. Its free and easy to use too. Its neatly directed so that you can learn programming from its very basics. The site teaches you to write codes in Javascript. Its easy, free and fun.
13. Free Online File Converter-We use a lot of applications to convert our files to another formatto be able to be played/viewed in portable players. I found out a site which does Audio, Video, Image, Document, Ebook conversions. check this
14. Search pictures of people for free-Facesaerch is a free web servicewhich helps you searchfaces ofpeople. enter the person’s name in thesearch box and click on search.
The interface is cool. It gives a 3Dlayout of pictures with matchingnames. Though you can neverexpect the site to give you a 100%correct picture, its cool to check itout.
15. Convert any webpage into pdf forfree-pdfmyurl is a site where in youcan submit the URL of which youwant a copy in pdf format. Itgenerates pdf of any website. Theservice is free and the pdf is of goodquality.