In Last Post We Have Discussed How To Setup Android Application Devlopment Environment On Eclipse.You Can Read It From Here
we are going to
create an Android virtual device (AVD). To Do This Simply Go To eclipse
Folder Then android-sdk-windows folder And Double Click On AVD manager File To
open it and click New.
Create the new Android Virtual Device with the
following configuration details:
Name: Android4.1
Target: Android
4.1- API Level 16 (Or whichever API you installed for other platforms)
SD card Size: 400
Leave the rest as the default settings
After That Click On “Create AVD”
You Will See Something Like Image Given Below..
Click On Start To See How Your Emulator Looks.
You Will See Something Like Image Given Below..
Click On Start To See How Your Emulator Looks.
patient it may take a few minutes to create your new AVD. Whoa! You have
created your first AVD. Android 4.1 JELLY BEAN here it is!
patient it may take a few minutes to create your new AVD. Whoa! You have
created your first AVD. Android 4.1 JELLY BEAN here it is!

Close the SDK setup
We are still not ready to start
developing our apps and deploy it in AVD and for that you need to configure
eclipse so here it goes.
developing our apps and deploy it in AVD and for that you need to configure
eclipse so here it goes.
- Launch
the eclipse and choose the workspace where you want your project folders should
be and check the option “used this as the default”.
- Select
Help-> Install new software
You Will See Something Like This.
Now fill out the following info
If you get an error like don’t use SSL. Then Change
location from “” to “”
- After a connection is made and available tools are
retrieved expand “Developer Tools” and select “Android
DDMS” and “Android Development Tools” - Press “Next”

- On the next dialog, click Next to
read and accept the license agreement and install any dependencies, then click
- You
may receive a Security Warning about unsigned content. Press “OK”
Done. Restart eclipse now.
- After restart we need to tell Eclipse where we copied
the “Android SDK”. - Select “Windows > Preferences”

- Select “Android” from the left pane. After
you select “Android” you will receive an error. That is because
it is not setup yet. We are setting it up now.
- For the SDK Location, browse to where you installed the
SDK or simply enter the path as entered below (only if you have followed
the same path as here).
- Press “Apply” then “OK”A
dialog box will appear. If you want to send usage data to Google leave it
checked, otherwise uncheck it and press “Continue”. This dialog box
can sometimes get trapped beneath your window. Minimize Eclipse if you don’t
see it.
Till Now We are Only Playing With Setting And Tools For Android Application Development..Now We Are Done With That…So The Actual Application Development Start From Now…
To Read How To Develop Your First Android Application Read It From Here