If you are struggling to access a website, simply because the website blocked
Work area or behind a pay-wall in these cases limited Google is your best friend.
Google allows many services: –
1 modules Google: Google – modules act as a proxy server between the user and the target
website.If you surf or download a file from a website http://www.mediafire.com want to say.
Unfortunately, the site is blocked at work space.Then modules help Google
Write = http://www.gmodules.com/ig/proxy?url=http://www.mysite.com
Gmodules.com only Google proxy to facilitate to download the files provides
pdf, mp4, etc etc …
Google Mobilizer 2: – There are many sites that do not have a mobile version in this case
Google Mobilizer acts as a proxy to help you.It in a mobile-friendly website
Write http://www.google.ie/gwt/x?u=http://www.mysite.com/
3 Google Translator – Google Translator to translate act as a proxy for the entire site
language.You user can change the language of the web page in each language
Any user.
Type:- http: //translate.google.com/translate sl = ru and tl = en & u = http 😕 //www.mysite.com/
Here IS the source language and the language is results can be translated into another