Hello everybody many people on facebook ask question that how to make green blue status in facebook today i will show you how to make this just follow these steps.
the anchor
text used to link Fanpage or Friend’s profile URL, are their Name but you can customize it for status updates by using this these simple steps :
How to do:
Step 1: Get Numeric ID of Facebook Profile/Fanpage by visitinghttp://graph.facebook.com/ username. Replace ‘username’ by your, your friend’s or your brand’s Fanpage. That URL’s Numeric ID will appear.
Step 2: Now, you can modify Anchor as per this code:
@@[0:[YOURPAGEID:1:New Anchor Text]]
Using 0 at the place of ‘New Anchor Text will use Fanpage’s Name as anchor.
1.) Write the following line in your status
@@[1:[0:1: write here ]]
You can write any thing at the place of write here
Important: Don’t use colon ” : ” in the write here field.